Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Taking Care Of You !

Something as regular as a dental cleaning can impact your health dramatically. It is so important, I am doubling my efforts to encourage everyone to do this important maintenance for their teeth and gums twice each year.

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, has links to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and more serious health issues. If you do not clean your teeth properly, you are inviting all the immediate symptoms of gum disease and increasing the risk of other health issues. Warning signs include bleeding gums, red gums and bad breath. Here are some additional facts about your risk of gum disease.

- Receding gums are a symptom of gum disease. If you have noticed your gums receding making your teeth appear longer, this is a warning sign.
- Tobacco use is a risk factor for gum disease and even oral cancer.
- The older you are, the greater your risk for time related problems.

The best thing you can do is to schedule your cleanings with me twice each year. Many of you reading this have completed all your planned treatment, and you are to be commended for achieving that goal.

Please allow us the continued privilege of taking care of you and helping you keep everything healthy. The nicest complement that we get from our patients is that they refer their friends and family to us. Perhaps we can help someone you know get back on track!

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