Monday, December 3, 2007

Why not ask?

You would be surprised how many people live with the wish of wanting to make some cosmetic changes to their smile. But, there is always something else on their mind or on their plate and they never take the time to ask about it. So, as the holiday season approaches, I want to encourage everyone to take a few minutes and do something for yourself.

I see it all the time. There is never time for something for yourself. Children, work, family, the holidays and all of your other obligations take up all your time. People tell you to take a minute for yourself or think of yourself first for once. It’s good advice. So, this holiday season, I encourage you, even for one day, to stop and do something for yourself.

You will likely be going to several social events this holiday season and I’m sure you will want to look your best. There’s no accessory that you can put on that says more about you as a person, than a warm, attractive smile.

Cosmetic dentistry, when performed correctly, is very safe, long lasting, and may be just that special “something” you can do for yourself. Just think, it will be there next year, too! Please feel free to call or mail me. I will be happy to answer all of your questions and give you my informed opinion on what the best options might be you.

Why not ask? Why not take a minute and send me an email? You might be surprised where it takes you.