Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It’s surprising so many people live with this kind of pain

Much of the continuing education I have taken includes courses on treating Tempromandibular Joint Disorder. Many people know this condition as TMJ, which is usually known for causing jaw pain. However, TMJ is a much more complicated disorder than most people realize. As it turns out, many people live with chronic, debilitating pain that seems completely unrelated to the jaw.

Basically, TMJ is a misalignment of the jaw joints, chewing muscles, and the bite. TMJ can manifest itself in the form of head, neck, and shoulder pain in addition to jaw pain. It can also cause ringing, dizziness, and stuffiness in the ears, as well as altered taste and changes in posture.

Because there are so many symptoms that are not associated directly with the jaw, it's quite common for people to see a doctor for their pain instead of a dentist. This is often the reason why TMJ goes undiagnosed. The sufferer complains about headaches and a battery of tests for severe headaches may not turn up TMJ unless the doctor is looking for it. This is why many TMJ sufferers have been told the pain is “just in their head” after a visit to their general practitioner.

I have learned very advanced techniques for diagnosing and treating TMJ and I help people with this disorder all the time. If you are suffering from these persistent pains and just living with it because you cannot get your pain diagnosed properly, please call me or email me here. The same goes for anyone you know who might be simply living with TMJ pain. I help my patients find the solution that's right for them.

It’s surprising so many people live with this kind of pain

Much of the continuing education I have taken includes courses on treating Tempromandibular Joint Disorder. Many people know this condition as TMJ, which is usually known for causing jaw pain. However, TMJ is a much more complicated disorder than most people realize. As it turns out, many people live with chronic, debilitating pain that seems completely unrelated to the jaw.

Basically, TMJ is a misalignment of the jaw joints, chewing muscles, and the bite. TMJ can manifest itself in the form of head, neck, and shoulder pain in addition to jaw pain. It can also cause ringing, dizziness, and stuffiness in the ears, as well as altered taste and changes in posture.

Because there are so many symptoms that are not associated directly with the jaw, it's quite common for people to see a doctor for their pain instead of a dentist. This is often the reason why TMJ goes undiagnosed. The sufferer complains about headaches and a battery of tests for severe headaches may not turn up TMJ unless the doctor is looking for it. This is why many TMJ sufferers have been told the pain is “just in their head” after a visit to their general practitioner.

I have learned very advanced techniques for diagnosing and treating TMJ and I help people with this disorder all the time. If you are suffering from these persistent pains and just living with it because you cannot get your pain diagnosed properly, please call me or email me here. The same goes for anyone you know who might be simply living with TMJ pain. I help my patients find the solution that's right for them.