Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Occlusion Confusion

I wanted to first of all, express my sincere appreciation to all of you who follow my blog. Please click on this link to the recent Dental Town article that my good friend and mentor, Prabu Raman, recently contributed. His article will help anyone who has any “confusion about occlusion” to really see what philosophies are out there and will help you understand the choices each clinician is faced with when deciding how to care for their patients.

As always, I’m open to any opportunity to learn and understand the needs of my colleagues, so please feel free to comment in any way.
Doug Brossoit DDS

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Living with TMJ

Do you know someone who is making excuses about living with TMJ pain? It happens all the time. Whether it is the popping and clicking jaw, the soreness caused by grinding teeth during sleep, headaches or other pain in the head and neck area, for some reason people tend to live with chronic upper body pain, not knowing that it could be directly related their jaw joints or their bite. So they take pain relievers or prescription medicines to mask the pain, and count on their body’s ability to cope and adapt to get through another bad day. Coping won’t last indefinitely, and things tend to get worse if not treated correctly.

One of the main reasons why people tend to put off treatment is that they think major surgery is needed to repair the problem. They may have read this in their research or have been told that by a doctor. If they are thorough in their research, they will also discover the non-invasive neuromuscular treatment. This is the treatment that neuromuscular dentists administer for TMJ that does not include surgery.

My neuromuscular training comes from the world’s leading post-graduate institute on the subject: The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. Every day, TMJ suffers are treated successfully by LVI graduates without one jawbone being broken and reset. Our specialized treatment resets the jaw without surgery and places the jaw and all the interconnected tissues back to a normal, functioning position, eliminating the pain and discomfort.

This is good for you to know because many of us know someone who suffers with this condition. They think surgery is the only option and therefore decide to live with their pain. Sometimes simply mentioning the non-invasive neuromuscular option is all that is needed to make a difference.

Cope or Cure…. There is a choice!

Special Note: I want to introduce something unique and special for all of my faithful readers. I will be adding a section to my Facebook page and my blog that is non-dental and is called “Practical Pearls”, I have always liked coming up with easier ways to fix things, or make life a little easier and I plan to share these ideas, and others that I have accumulated from many sources over the coming weeks and months with all of you. Perhaps some of you have some ideas you would like to share with others, and if you wish I can feature them here with or without your name. Let me know what you think, and I’ll take all your input to make this fun and give me an opportunity to give
something back to all of you that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with teeth. Let me know what you think, I’m open to all positive feedback,