Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Headaches and TMJ

Most people would not consider going to a dentist for treatment of a headache, but a lot of patients did, and it has dramatically changed their life for the better. If you or someone you care about is suffering from chronic migraines, you could be instrumental in helping them take that “bad bite” out of their life and towards getting their life back.

I have passionately sought after extensive post-graduate training in Neuromuscular Dentistry and treating “TMJ”, a jaw joint disorder that results from an imbalance in the bite and chewing muscles. When these 3 areas are not in sync, all kinds of chronic upper body pain, including headaches is often the result. In a nutshell, if your teeth don’t bite together properly, the jaw joint and chewing muscles become tired and fatigued, causing pain the jaw, head, neck, shoulders, face, ears, and more.

Most people just go to their family physician when they have a persistent headache. Almost always, a family doctor will prescribe pain medication in extreme cases because the patient just wants the pain to go away. The actual cause of the headache is often well disguised and can appear to be something more apparent. I do my best to let area doctors know that they should refer patients with chronic, undiagnosed head, neck or jaw pain to me for a TMJ exam. Our TMJ exams are thorough, interactive, and enlightening. Our non-surgical treatment options are designed to re-align the bite to alleviate the cause of the wide array of symptoms associated with this disorder.

We are here to help and offer hope for many people who suffer from chronic, debilitating, undiagnosed upper body pain. If you think you might be able to help someone find us, then perhaps you could send them this message and make a real difference in their life.