Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New videos for you.

Earlier this month, our web site began broadcasting The Cosmetic Channel™. You can click here to visit our web site. Just click on the button that says, “The Cosmetic Channel™ - Click here to watch.

I have chosen these online “shows” for your education and, sometimes, entertainment. If you return to our web site each month, you will see new “episodes.” I got this for my clients to help you learn more about the importance of great dental care and to learn more about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry.

So, stay tuned to our web site for more new video on The Cosmetic Channel™!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Headaches and TMJ

Did you know migraine headaches can be caused by TMJ issues? A misaligned jaw can be the reason for many pains and discomforts.

Normally, you would not think of taking your migraine headache issues to a dentist. Most people go to the doctor and get medication if the need persists. Or, they just live with it and ride out the headaches. It takes some research, a heads-up referral, and often a lot of frustration before some migraine sufferers finally seek out a neuromuscular dentist.

Misaligned jaws can cause a number of issues beyond simple jaw popping and pain. This is how most people know TMJ, so to connect TMJ with migraines may seem a difficult jump to make. In truth, it is not. In layman’s terms, the muscles and nerves that surround the jaw area are affected when the bite it not right. A misaligned bite may cause localized pain at the jaw but the effects radiate out to nearby areas. Naturally, this can cause severe headaches and even migraines.

If you or someone you know has migraines, why not ask them to call my office for a TMJ test that will let them know if I can help their migraine problem. Better to treat the cause for a lifetime, than to continue to treat the symptoms for the moment with medications that may not always work.